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Torres del Paine

Patagonia, Chile

Our Explorations

Our treks and horseback rides include mountains, turquoise lakes, glaciers, lenga tree forests, viewpoints, prairies and rivers, in addition to the most iconic spans of the trekking circuit known as “W”.

Our explorations provide travelers with an in depth experience of this austral territory, for which we have outlined six different exploration zones, each with its own set of unique geographic, cultural and biosphere characteristics.

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Discover Our Explorations

Go deeper into the remote. Search by activity or by one of our exploration zones.


Walking at your own, committed pace, allows you to immerse in the natural and cultural landscapes we explore, varying in intensity –beginner or advanced– and duration – half day to full day.

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These are van-led explorations interrupted by short-duration hikes along the way. The combination allows travelers to access areas of particular beauty and ecological significance.

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Horseback Ride

On horseback, exploration takes on a whole new perspective, reframing the landscape around us while enjoying the company of specially trained horses

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Self Guided

The knowledge of our guides, is available for you to discover unique locations in the areas surrounding our lodge. For further information approach our exploration team.

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High Mountain Ascent

We strive to introduce our travelers to truly remote locations – and mountains are one of them. Each one has its own different demands and rewards, yet they all guarantee a revitalizing experience for mind and body alike.

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The intersection, the estuary, the frontier. Sometimes the collision of two worlds is a world in itself.

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Only the Patagonian steppe is able to endure the relentless blow of the southern winds.

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The gaucho and Patagonia are one, sharing temperance, silence, mystery and fascination.

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Forests disavow man made borders. Instead, drawing their own horizons – crossing mountains, skipping lakes and covering entire territories with patient vertical contemplation.

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Glaciers are monuments of time. Patient titans of nature whose fragile presence is in great measure responsible for the geographic spectacle of Patagonia.

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Mountains define local identity: a natural wall which only condors disregard, a presence which points to the stars above as the only vanishing point in the Patagonian landscape.

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