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Torres del Paine

Patagonia, Chile



Horseback Ride
Horseback Ride
5,6 km / 3.5 mi
Exploration duration
2 h

Exploration Path

We depart from the stables riding through the Pampa Serrano, crossing streams and rivers with the Paine massif behind us. We ride along the banks of the Serrano River and the Toro Lake, which we cross at different points. We return by way of the Pampa with clear views to the massif.

Only the Patagonian steppe is able to endure the relentless blow of the southern winds.

Elevation Profile

Elevation Gain
elevation gain icon
14 m 46 ft
Elevation Loss
elevation loss icon
-14 m -46 ft
Max. Altitude
max altitude ion
30 m 98 ft
Min. Altitude
min altitude icon
26 m 85 ft

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