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Torres del Paine

Patagonia, Chile


Aves Australes

7,8 km / 4.8 mi
Exploration duration
6 h

Exploration Path

Ideal for lovers of flora and fauna, this exploration takes place outside the park, in the surroundings of a lagoon inhabited by different bird species. We hike while contemplating the varied vegetation and the behavior and sound of the birds. Between September and April, sightings increase due to the favorable conditions offered by spring and summer.

The intersection, the estuary, the frontier. Sometimes the collision of two worlds is a world in itself.

Elevation Profile

Elevation Gain
elevation gain icon
139 m 456 ft
Elevation Loss
elevation loss icon
-139 m -456 ft
Max. Altitude
max altitude ion
49 m 161 ft
Min. Altitude
min altitude icon
30 m 98 ft

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