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El Chaltén

Patagonia, Argentina

Parque Nacional Los Glaciares

Los Valles

29,7 km / 18.5 mi
Exploration duration

Exploration Path

An Explora van will take us to the northernmost tip of the Los Glaciares National Park. From there, we begin crossing the Blanco River valley. We then hike up to the Los Tres Lagoon, enjoying an impressive view of Mount Fitz Roy. We then follow the valley to the Torre Lagoon. We reach El Chaltén after one day with different lookouts within the Los Glaciares National Park, to return to the lodge by van.

The Los Glaciares National Park is an area of exceptional natural beauty, with rugged, towering mountains and numerous glacial lakes scattered within its borders.

Elevation Profile

Elevation Gain
elevation gain icon
1222 m 4009 ft
Elevation Loss
elevation loss icon
-1249 m -4098 ft
Max. Altitude
max altitude ion
1.178 m 3.865 ft
Min. Altitude
min altitude icon
426 m 1.398 ft
_ELCHALEN-los valles

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