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El Chaltén

Patagonia, Argentina

Our Explorations

Amidst the Argentinean Patagonia, this natural rock, mountain, and ice amphitheater offers countless territories to be explored.

Our explorations provide travelers with an in depth experience of this austral territory, allowing them to become immersed in its unique characteristics and go deeper into what makes Patagonia unique. In order to do so, we have outlined four different exploration zones, each with its own set of unique geographic, cultural and biosphere characteristics.

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Discover Our Explorations

Go deeper into the remote. Search by activity or by one of our exploration zones.


Walk and Go Deeper in to the remote. From easy to expert, Half day or Full Day. Always Walking with your guide, your Explora companion.

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These are van-led explorations interrupted by short-duration hikes along the way. The combination allows travelers to access areas of particular beauty and ecological significance.

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Rock climbing is a form of exploration that can be found throughout the world. At Explora we see it as a way of truly encountering the territory’s essence, which is why we facilitate it on different, following the necessary safety requirements and each traveler’s individual rhythm.

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Self Guided

The company and knowledge of one of our guides, is available for you to discover unique locations in the areas surrounding our lodge – either on foot or bicycle. For further information approach our exploration team.

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Through our expeditions we are able to access remote locations of great beauty and ecological significance, setting up a temporary camp away from our base lodge for one to two nights.

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High Mountain Ascent

We strive to introduce our travelers to truly remote locations – and mountains are one of them. Each one has its own different demands and rewards, yet they all guarantee a revitalizing experience for mind and body alike.

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Los Huemules Conservation Reserve

The Los Huemules Conservation Reserve, encloses features that cannot be easily found elsewhere in Patagonia.

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Parque Nacional Los Glaciares

The Los Glaciares National Park is an area of exceptional natural beauty, with rugged, towering mountains and numerous glacial lakes scattered within its borders.

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Lago del Desierto

The Desert Lake (Argentina) is a wildlife enclave around which numerous Patagonian ecosystems can be observed and explored.

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Campo de Hielo Sur

Explorations in this zone take travelers throughout the territories most influenced by the ice fields, as well as areas where the glaciological legacy is most evident.

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