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Sacred Valley

Machu Picchu & Sacred Valley, Peru

Our Explorations

Our explorations take travelers through the colonial history of Cusco and the architectural magnificence of the Incas in Machu Picchu, isolated villages, archaeological sites such as Ollantaytambo, Moray, Chinchero and Pisac, to Andean pampas and mountains or Apus, considered by locals as guardians of people and nature.

Our explorations in the Sacred Valley have been designed so as to provide travelers with an in depth experience of the Inca civilization’s cradle, allowing them to fully immerse and go deeper into the territory’s countless natural and cultural features.

For this purpose we have outlined four different exploration zones – each with its own set of unique geographic, cultural and biosphere characteristics.

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Discover Our Explorations


We hike throughout our locations. Walking at your own, committed pace, allows you to immerse in the natural and cultural landscapes we explore, varying in intensity –beginner or advanced– and duration – half day to full day.

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These are van-led explorations interrupted by short-duration hikes along the way. The combination allows travelers to access areas of particular beauty and ecological significance.

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Biking allows us to explore and discover greater distances, feeling how the elements change throughout the day, varying in intensity –beginner or advanced– and duration – half day to full day.

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Self Guided

The company and knowledge of one of our guides, is available for you to discover unique locations in the areas surrounding our lodge – either on foot or bicycle. For further information approach our exploration team.

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Within a same day we can combine different types of exploration – starting with a hike followed by a bike-ride, a horseback-ride or vice versa.

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High Mountain Ascent

We strive to introduce our travelers to truly remote locations – and mountains are one of them. Each one has its own different demands and rewards, yet they all guarantee a revitalizing experience for mind and body alike.

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Following the winding course of the Urubamba River, this area showcases Inca architecture at its best, enclosing some of Peru’s most important archaeological landmarks, from Pisac to Macchu Picchu.

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This zone showcases the valley’s verticality – a pivotal component around which the Incas developed their particular cosmovision.

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This highly dynamic zone is a feast to the eyes that varies significantly depending on the seasons and harvesting times.

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Towering titans that reach into the clouds above, defying altitude and gravity in order to provide a vital experience of heaven on Earth for all who venture their slopes.

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