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Sacred Valley

Machu Picchu & Sacred Valley, Peru


Valle Sur

Exploration duration
10 h

Exploration Path

This exploration reveals the influence of the Spanish conquest in the region, embedded in art and in the religious syncretism that resulted from the encounter of these cultures. We begin by touring the first of three Canincunca churches that we visit in this exploration. We then walk to the Huaro church and take a van to the Andahuaylillas church, where we tour the choir and the museum. Next, we hop on a van towards an Inca road, where we take a light trek to a wetland, perfect for bird watching and having lunch. Finally, we take the van to the Tipón archaeological center, a token of the Inca’s knowledge of fluid power.

Following the winding course of the Urubamba River, this area showcases Inca architecture at its best, enclosing some of Peru’s most important archaeological landmarks, from Pisac to Macchu Picchu.

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