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Torres del Paine

Patagonia, Chile



13,8 km / 8.6 mi
Exploration duration
6 h

Exploration Path

The hike starts at the lodge through a well-marked upward track, surrounded by low shrubs and ample views. Orchids follow along during the summertime. We get to see some hidden lagoons in the Torres del Paine National Park, condor nesting sites, and some forests. We get a front view of the Paine massif, until we get to the Sarmiento Chico Lake to examine rock formations of a protracted geological history. We return to the lodge by van.

The intersection, the estuary, the frontier. Sometimes the collision of two worlds is a world in itself.

Elevation Profile

Elevation Gain
elevation gain icon
515 m 1138 ft
Elevation Loss
elevation loss icon
-478 m -1568 ft
Max. Altitude
max altitude ion
347 m 1.138 ft
Min. Altitude
min altitude icon
64 m 210 ft

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