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El Chaltén

Patagonia, Argentina

Los Huemules Conservation Reserve

Laguna Azul

Self Guided
Self Guided
4,89 km / 3.4 mi
Exploration duration

Exploration Path

We hike from the lodge crossing a lenga and ñirre forest, watching different types of birds and huemul deer tracks. We hike up to the Azul Lagoon, a water reserve that will reveal what has happened there. Different water birds will follow along.

The Los Huemules Conservation Reserve, encloses features that cannot be easily found elsewhere in Patagonia.

Elevation Profile

Elevation Gain
elevation gain icon
204 m 669 ft
Elevation Loss
elevation loss icon
-204 m -669 ft
Max. Altitude
max altitude ion
603 m 1978 ft
Min. Altitude
min altitude icon
487 m 1598 ft

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