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Patagonia National Park

Patagonia, Chile

Aguas y bosques

Las Correntadas

4,2 km / 2.6 mi
Exploration duration

Exploration Path

We will go to the Cochrane River rapids in kayak. We will walk to the Lake Cochrane viewpoint and return via the Los Carpinteros trail in the Tamango area. We will cross coigüe forests in the first half of the the exploration and then flank the riverbank with landscapes of pampa and Patagonian steppe. The difficulty level of this alternative is easy.

*Subject to availability at check in. Available from January 12, 2022 on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Extensive forests that connect with lakes and rivers cover this area, dominated by monumental views and infinite open spaces that make it the ideal refuge for the fragile biodiversity of the Patagonian ecosystem.

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