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Patagonia National Park

Patagonia, Chile

Explorations in
Patagonia National Park

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Andina y Estepa Patagónica
Hike icon Hike
Moderate icon Moderate
missing duration icon Full-day

We will cross the Chacabuco Valley's natural corridors and as we move up we will see the different perspectives of contrasting landscapes around us. We can drink pure water from natural streams and get our feet wet crossing one of them. The silence of the landscape stands out in autumn and winter, contrasting with the birdsong that can be heard as background music for the rest of the year

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Hike icon
Moderate icon
Full-day icon
  • Exploration Path

    We will cross the Chacabuco Valley's natural corridors and as we move up we will see the different perspectives of contrasting landscapes around us. We can drink pure water from natural streams and get our feet wet crossing one of them. The silence of the landscape stands out in autumn and winter, contrasting with the birdsong that can be heard as background music for the rest of the year.

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