The word ‘guide’ is both a verb and a noun, and therefore describes both an action as well as an occupation.
Etymologically, the word means ‘showing the way forward’, and as Explora guides it is in this primordial meaning and grammatical duality that we find our calling, for while ours is an occupation effectively fueled by passion, it is also grounded in an unyielding sense of commitment and duty.
brings knowledge and experience to our own ongoing journey.

While no two individuals are ever the same, Explora guides are bonded by admiration for the great outdoors and therefore a heartfelt duty to protect it through active conservation efforts. Through extensive experiential and theoretical training, we see it as our task to guide travelers from far and wide in a journey of a lifetime, introducing them to the beauty and wisdom our continent has to offer, taking them beyond the surface and deep into the unique essence of the territories we explore. It is in our own experience that in-depth exploration can singlehandedly repair the holistic relationship between self and environment, thus offering a way forward towards a better future.
As Explora guides we are fortunate to experience not only some of the world’s most breathtaking landscapes on a daily basis, but also to enjoy the company of people from all over our planet, each of which
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